Batch 001: “Beginner’s Luck” Amber Ale

I did it! I made my first homebrew. Granted, I had a lot of help and borrowed most of the equipment from the one and only Tim Corteau.

What’s with the name? I decided to create a somewhat logical system for my beers, so using a number prefix seemed right. 3 digits makes sense because there is a good chance I’ll brew over 100 batches before I kick the can. Liz and I floated some names around and landed on “Beginner’s Luck”, if it tasted good or if it tasted like goat piss I could chalk it up to beginner’s luck.

Why did you choose an Amber Ale? It’s one of my favorite styles o’ beer…and I had a coupon for an amber ale kit 🙂

For this first batch I had 3 goals:

  1. Learn how to make beer.
  2. Make a batch of drinkable beer.
  3. Drink said beer.

I’m proud to say that I nailed all three of my goals. This is a great new hobby. I can’t wait to get your feedback and see what you thought of Batch 001: “Beginner’s Luck” Amber Ale.

