Batch 006: “Papa Beer” Honey Amber Ale

Batch 006 was the first batch I brewed with my dad Harold, also his first time brewing. We brewed it on a very cold Christmas Eve in Gilbert. I believe it was -8 at brew time. It took longer to get’r boiling but the chill time on the finished wort took like 4 min (usually takes 10-15min). We racked it and pitched the yeast around 11:30pm, just in time to get in bed before Santa arrived.

The stats:

Batch 005: “Scottish Kiss” Scotch Ale

For Batch 005 I decided to brew a scotch ale. I figured it was a good winter brew to warm the cockles of the heart. The term “Scottish kiss” is a Scottish term for head butt. If you were to have too many Batch 005’s you would feel like you received a head butt. Get it? <–Lame

The Stats:

Batch 004: “Apple of My Eye” Apple Ale

I brewed this batch the weekend after my daughter was born. My Father-in-Law helped me brew it, his first home brewing experience. This batch holds a special place in my home brewing heart. To make it an “Apple” ale I added 1 gallon of apple cider after 3 days of active fermentation. I let it rest in the secondary fermenter for a couple of bonus weeks. The reviews I read about this recipe said to that it gets better with time, more time in the secondary and in the bottle. It should hit it’s flavor peak around Valentine’s day.

  • Brewed: September 8, 2012
  • Bottled: October 4, 2012

Continue reading “Batch 004: “Apple of My Eye” Apple Ale”

Batch 002: “Summer Buzz” Honey Ale

For Batch 002 I wanted to make a beer that would go down smooth on a hot summer’s day. I toyed around with doing a blonde ale, but some blonde ale kits yield strong belgian yeast flavors and I didn’t want that for a summer beer. I eventually found a kit for “Honey Bee Ale” through Midwest Supplies and it had stellar reviews from folks. I brewed this batch on May 20, racked it into the secondary fermenter on May 28, and bottled it on June 7. The goal was to have Batch 002 ready on July 4. I taste tested it on June 21 with my dad, and it was ready after two weeks in the bottle.

I thought it turned out pretty good. It was my first true solo brew, didn’t have Tim to help out. I am excited to see what everyone thought of zee beeeer. Continue reading “Batch 002: “Summer Buzz” Honey Ale”

Batch 001: “Beginner’s Luck” Amber Ale

I did it! I made my first homebrew. Granted, I had a lot of help and borrowed most of the equipment from the one and only Tim Corteau.

What’s with the name? I decided to create a somewhat logical system for my beers, so using a number prefix seemed right. 3 digits makes sense because there is a good chance I’ll brew over 100 batches before I kick the can. Liz and I floated some names around and landed on “Beginner’s Luck”, if it tasted good or if it tasted like goat piss I could chalk it up to beginner’s luck. Continue reading “Batch 001: “Beginner’s Luck” Amber Ale”